Simply Smile

We long to be in relationships that are encouraging, and life-giving. Connections. Relationships. Inclusion. Involved. Networks. Friends. And the list of words goes on and on. In a world often regarded as segmented and alone, I am keenly aware of a longing in the human heart for safe, secure bonds.

Think about your own life for a moment. Think about people who enrich your life. Take a moment and consider the feelings you have when someone is excited to see you and treats you with kindness. Its the best! In a world fragmented by convenience, comfort and individualism, we must consider how we cultivate stronger connections. If you want life giving relationships, you must be someone ready to give away life giving relationships. I must be a kind, warm person. I must become the type of person that treats people the way I want to be treated.

While relationships can be complicated, there are some simple choices we can make that make all the difference. Today I want to focus on one: SIMPLY SMILE!


That's right. You did read that correctly. Smile! My guess is that as you are reading this and you saw the colon followed by the parentheses, you might have even smiled because it seemed a little silly. That's okay, because when your mouth expression turned into a smile you felt the benefit across your whole person. Relationships are the same way.

A smile is a significant way to engage and interact with people. A smile is an action you can choose, a kindness you can share, and a muscle sequence you can strengthen. Psychology has found that people who smile experience benefit in their own well-being. Moreover, smiles change the way we feel about people. If I were to see the same person regularly at the coffee shop or at the gym or at my kid's school, and they regularly smile at me; I will find that person to be more likeable and will be more inclined to consider friendship with the person.

Smiles are significance. Smiles breakdown barriers. Smiles extend warmth. Smiles elicit smiles. If you are looking to increase your relationship value, develop connections and enjoy life, smile!

Take time this week to consider your own research study: intentionally smile at people you see (family, friends, roommates, co-workers, strangers) and see what happens. Don't be surprised if people are "weirded" out...that's because they are not used to being smiled at (a real shame if you want my opinion). Simply smile and see the impact. If we become the type of people who will be generous with our smiles, we will be the type of people who receive more smiles and I bet it will lead to meaningful connections.

Kurt Attaway